Hoarding Support from MiraKal Cleaning Services Team

Have you ever felt that getting rid of things is just too hard? For many people, hoarding isn’t about having too much stuff. It’s actually the emotional connections to their possessions. MiraKal Cleaning Services understands this struggle and is here to offer compassionate, professional support. Hoarding is a condition where letting go of possessions becomes…

End of Tenancy Cleaning – Your Key to a Stress-Free Move

Moving out can be a right faff, can’t it? The packing, the organising, the endless paperwork. And then there’s the cleaning. If you’re renting, that end-of-tenancy clean is crucial. Not only because you want your deposit back, but also because it’s simply good manners to leave the place spick and span for the next tenant.…

Brighten Up Your Life with MiraKal Cleaning Services

Feeling like life’s a bit too much right now? Between work, family, and everything else, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. But here’s the good news: MiraKal Cleaning Services is here to make things easier for you! We’re your friendly neighbourhood cleaning experts in Guildford, Surrey, ready to turn your home into a sparkling haven of…

How Does Black Mould Affect Children and Elderly People?

When it comes to home invaders, black mould is a particularly insidious one. This unwelcome guest doesn’t just blemish walls and give off an unpleasant mustiness – it can also pack a punch to the health, particularly for our children and the elderly. Primarily the reason why it is classified as one of the most…

What to Do When Someone Passes Away at Home

The passing of a loved one is undoubtedly one of life’s most challenging moments, especially when it happens at home. It’s a time filled with grief, reflection, and often, uncertainty about what practical steps to take next. Alongside the emotional toll, there’s also the reality of handling the situation at home, which may include dealing…

Why Care Homes Need Professional Cleaning Services

In care homes across the nation, there’s a silent yet powerful force at play – cleanliness. Far from being a mere chore, maintaining a pristine environment is at the heart of providing compassionate and effective care. It’s a reflection of respect for the residents and a non-negotiable pillar of health and safety. There are many…

What Are Biohazards and How to Clean Them

What Are Biohazards and How to Clean Them

Navigating the murky waters of biohazards can be as daunting as it sounds. From the spills in your home kitchen to the more serious incidents in commercial spaces, understanding what biohazards are and the proper way to clean them is crucial for everyone’s safety. What are Biohazards Simply put, biohazards are biological substances that pose…

Healthy Body, Mind, Space

Healthy Body, Mind, Space

As World Health Day rolls around on the 7th of April, it serves as the perfect nudge we need to reassess not just our diet and exercise habits but the environments we spend our time in—yes, I’m talking about our homes and workspaces. Ever thought about how the state of your living and working areas…

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7 Common Diseases You Can Prevent with Deep Cleaning

7 Common Diseases You Can Prevent with Deep Cleaning Ever found yourself staring down the cleaning cabinet and wondering, “Is there more to life than just chasing dust around?” Well, as it turns out, there’s a whole lot more to it than just keeping the place looking tidy for the unexpected drop-in by the neighbours,…